<a href='https://cfds.riken.jp/material' target="_blank">Important notice regarding nomenclature of Fucci</a>。 <a href='https://cfds.riken.jp/material' target="_blank">Important notice regarding nomenclature of Fucci</a>。 英文に準拠、生物遺伝資源提供同意書 (MTA) には、英文をご記載またはご添付ください。 1) The RECIPIENT should obtain written approval from the DEPOSITOR using the APPROVAL FORM prior to entering the AGREEMENT with the RIKEN BRC. 2) A RECIPIENT who belongs to a non-profit organization may use the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE for an academic research that is non-commercial. 3) In publishing the research results related to the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE, a citation of the following literature is necessary. (bioRxiv 2020 March 31, 2020 ). 4) The RECIPIENT agrees to acknowledge the DEPOSITOR in any publication, oral or written, reporting use of the BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE and provide a copy of the publication to the DEPOSITOR. 2009年、東京大学医科学研究所の御子柴研より授受されたHeLa細胞。これまでに宮脇研から寄託した<a href='http://cfds.brain.riken.jp/Fucci.html' target="_blank">HeLa関連細胞</a>は、すべてのこのラインを使用。 Miyawaki, Atsushi <a href='http://cfds.brain.riken.jp/Fucci.html' target="_blank">a subclone</a> of HeLa.S3 cells provided by Dr. Mikoshiba in 2009. RCB4919 HeLa/Fucci(CA)5#16 Miyawaki, Atsushi